
Madi loves hanging out with her Aunties (Erin, Gioia and Stacey). This morning she was downstairs with them getting her nails done, something she does often, and they were able to catch her doing some performances. These are all things she has learned at her preschool. She loves school and she is so smart. She also has an amazing teacher that does a fabulous job!

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Madi singing the Months of the Year song

Madi reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

Madi singing the Money Song

Madi singing the Days of the Week song

* I apologize for the poor quality. They are from a cell phone.


Kort said...

what a smart cookie! she looks so old in those videos. crazy.

Anonymous said...

so, you're not going to share your secret huh?? ;0) that's alright. maybe i'll have to figure it out on my own...

good luck working out this week. i hope to kick your butt & get to workout 2 soon!!

Dee Dee said...

She's super cute, and so smart! Love the tune of the days of the week song:)

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Chris! I will be in UT at the end of the month, I would LOVE to see you.