
Oh #@*%!!

So I've noticed how people always add cute little sayings from their kids to their blogs. I thought I could join this fad by sharing Madi's newly acquired vocabulary. It is pretty cute, but slightly embarassing... Madi has learned the wonderful phrase of... "Oh Crap!" It all started the other day when her Elmo video ended and the vhs tape (we are really outdated at our house) went fuzzy. She put her hands in the air and said "Oh crap!" James and I looked at eachother with the "did she just say what we think she said" look. Well a little while later she confirmed it when she dropped her book and said "Oh crap" again. I must admit it is adorable, but I'm not sure I want to be the one held responsible teaching the questionabloe language to a 21 month old!


Anonymous said...

O crap that is funny!

Karie said...

That's so funny! Look on the bright side--it could always be worse!

sdheinens said...

Oh dear...I love it!! Good job mom. HAHAHA

Lindsey said...

Don't worry...Carter knows that phrase too along with many other not so nice sayings, unfortunately. I can totally relate...good luck with that!

TheGefrom5 said...

WHAT??!!! I've never heard of such a thing!! can't believe your child is subjected to such language! Where's the number to CPS? Maybe you should let Madi spend more time with her Grandma where she will not be subjected to questionable language. ;)

And make sure she doesn't come around my kids, who knows what she'll pick-up!! :)

Melanie Nielsen said...

AHHHH I miss Madi growing all up!!! I want to teach her what to say when you ask her what happens when you unscrew your belly button!!!
Miss you tons!!!

Holly said...

Look at this I am commenting on your blog for the FIRST time. I am back and ready to blog. I think that is hilarious. Keep posting things like this then I can get to know Madi even more.

The Peterson's said...

That is fun! I can remember some really fun times with neices repeating thing theri parents said. Enjoy!