
Face of an Angel, Mouth of the Devil

Looking at this face makes me think about how sweet and loveable my little girl is. Although adorable, this little one is too smart for her own good. For those of you that remember an earlier post a few months ago, I am sorry to say I am back again reporting some bad news. We learned early on that Madi is very attentive to the adults in her life and their trademark sayings. In October Madi started say "CRAP" every time she dropped something. I must admit that I take full credit for that saying.

However, this time I do NOT take credit for her new "choice" words. I blame them 100% on her babysitters (Daddy, Auntie Erin, and Auntie Stacey). By their titles you would think she was in good hands, but I am starting to rethink my choice in daycare.

On Sunday morning I very nicely asked Madi to put the cushion back on her chair. And she responded in the most annoyed 16 year old voice, "Dammit, Ughh, Stupid" as she threw the cushion back on her chair. Yes that was all one sentence that came slurring out of my 2 year-old's mouth!

I looked at her shocked... and did my best not to laugh. Then I ran in the bedroom and woke up James to tell him about our daughter's "potty mouth". Since Sunday I have been teaching her (every time she says dammit) that it is not a nice word and that we say "uh oh" instead. Now if we can just teach DADDY that!

It is not all dad's fault though.  James is notorious for saying, DAMMIT. Erin is notorious for her moaning, UGHHH, and Stacey is notorious for always saying, STUPID when she is frustrated.  Hence the combination of "Dammit, Ughh, Stupid!" So thank you all for being such great role models in Madi's life. I couldn't raise her without you!


The Peterson's said...

Oh the things they pick up! Still has the face of an angel though! Good Luch with the new training for Maddi and Dad.

Anonymous said...


the Forrest Diaries said...

Man that stinks. Tell me how you taught daddy not to say bad things...I can use all the pointers I can get.

Lindsey said...

LOL!!! That is hilarious. Good luck trying to stop that habit.

sdheinens said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I freaking love this. AHHAHAHAHA..bad daddy and aunties! :)

anna b. said...

potty mouths have to clean the potty!!

that's hilarious!

how can you not laugh when that adorable little face is saying that? I don't think I could do it!
Good luck to you!

Sarah said...

We have to tell our kids that even though Daddy days damn, it is not ok!! We are in the same boat. Aaron got into law school at BYU, so we may be heading there in the fall. It is between USD, and BYU! Take care.

Lacey said...

GUILTY, I better stop saying that word.

The Birds said...

That is so funny! Well I am the guilty one of saying that D word, but My hubby teaches Kenedy it is naughty to say. SO the other day when it slipped out, she said, "Mommy let's not say that word. Let's just say Whoopsie Daisies!" Hmmm I think she has heard Mike Lecture me once too many times. And don't you just love the words Mike teaches her to say!! Too funny!