
What do you want to be when you grow up?

At Madi's preschool they have a tradition of dressing up as what they want to be when they grow up for their school pictures. I asked her what she wanted to be and she said...

"A Firefighter"

Isn't she adorable! The best part was she came up to me after I had gone to the store and got her hat and suspenders and said, "Mom next time I have to be what I want to be when I get big, I want to be a mom holding a baby."  It melted my little heart. What a sweetie.

p.s. thanks Auntie Stacey for curling her hair so beautifully!


this one little blessing

When I look at this perfect daughter of Heavenly Father, I know that I could live the rest of my life with only this one, little blessing, from heaven. I wish for another, hope for another and pray for another. However, I really am happy to know that I am a mother. That Heavenly Father blessed my life with one perfect angel to hold, to teach, to protect, to love, to cherish, to laugh with, to play with, to cry with, and to have an eternal family with.

my happy place

... life has been hard lately... sick, tired, worn out, frustrated, bored, lonely...

i need my happy place