This year Christmas was fabulous as always... even though I enjoyed most of it from the couch and bed. I was sick with fevers, head cold and a miserable cough. A cough so bad I cracked a rib! I spent Christmas Eve morning at the doctor, Christmas Day and the rest of break on the couch and in bed. Madi was so patient with me. She wanted to play with all of her new toys and would just just play next to me while I slept. Here she is reading me some of her new books with her stuffed animals.
We spent Christmas Eve at the annual Widdison Family party in our new Christmas Jammies and then headed to my mom and dad's to open our Sibling Gifts. My sisters (who live with us) stayed the night at my mom and dad's, but James, Madi and I went home to our house.

We woke up Christmas morning and had
stockings filled with goodies and presents from
Santa. It was so fun to see Madi so excited. Every present she would say, "Who is this From?" or "Thank you mommy it's my favorite!" James bought me the best gift... a really nice
Digital Camera! Now I just need to start figuring out how to use it. I need to prove that it was a good investment.
James got shoes, clothes, a wallet and other practical stuff. He was sad that there were no toys... maybe next year. This year was my turn to be spoiled!
Madi got more than her little heart could handle:
ponies, pet shops, books, stuffed animals, cash register, games, toy laptop, Cinderella doll, candy and more.

I feel so
blessed to have such and amazing
husband, daughter and
family. I love the holidays. I love eating, playing, talking and laughing with all of them. It gets loud and busy and crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I
love our different personalities, our stubbornness and our kindness. I am so glad that our
Savior Jesus Christ provided a way that we can be a
family forever.