What mom? I just want a snack.
I am beginning to really dislike the little pink stool that is making appearances all over the house these days! At least her smile is irresistible.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
At Madi's preschool they have a tradition of dressing up as what they want to be when they grow up for their school pictures. I asked her what she wanted to be and she said...
"A Firefighter"
Isn't she adorable! The best part was she came up to me after I had gone to the store and got her hat and suspenders and said, "Mom next time I have to be what I want to be when I get big, I want to be a mom holding a baby." It melted my little heart. What a sweetie.
p.s. thanks Auntie Stacey for curling her hair so beautifully!
p.s. thanks Auntie Stacey for curling her hair so beautifully!
this one little blessing
When I look at this perfect daughter of Heavenly Father, I know that I could live the rest of my life with only this one, little blessing, from heaven. I wish for another, hope for another and pray for another. However, I really am happy to know that I am a mother. That Heavenly Father blessed my life with one perfect angel to hold, to teach, to protect, to love, to cherish, to laugh with, to play with, to cry with, and to have an eternal family with.
my happy place
... life has been hard lately... sick, tired, worn out, frustrated, bored, lonely...
i need my happy place
First Day of School... Preschool 2010-2011
Here she is again all smiles for another year of preschool. She was so excited to get a "suitcase" for school... of course it had to have wheels! She did a little posing in the front yard and off she went to school with her new teacher Miss. Honey.

From cute chubby baby cheeks... to beautiful little girl.
First Day 2009
First Day 2009
First Day 2010
I love you my smart beautiful miracle daughter! I hope you have another great year!

We had a great time at my mom and dad's this year for Easter. The Easter Bunny hid gigantic eggs in the back yard for Nicki and Madi. I guess the rest of us were too old. Madi made out with a lot of candy, coloring books, bubbles, and even a new outfit. The Easter Bunny is definitely in and economic crisis like the rest of us! Even thought we had a great time with the family and all of the Easter festivities, most of all it was a great day to remember our Savior, Jesus Christ and the gift of the atonement. I am so grateful everyday for the blessings I receive because of His willingness to atone for our sins. I know that my Redeemer lives.
And the Winner Is...
James entered his first writing competition and submitted a short screenplay. He is such an amazing writer (that I already know), but it was nice for him to be recognized as such with an award. He won the First Place award and $500 prize money. I am sure it is just the start and that there will be many more to come.
Look How Cute We Are
* There used to be a picture of us here, but James saw it and removed it!
**or, James saw it and figured everyone already knows what Jabba the Hutt looks like and does not need to be reminded. In addition, people may think that I was about to eat a woman and her small child and call the authorities. We get enough police visits from Chris' anger issues as it is, thank you very much.
It has been a long time since we have had a picture will all 3 of us actually smiling!
The Sleeping Banana Princess
After reading this post and looking at your pictures you are going to think two things:
1. What a silly girl!
... and...
2. Why is she sleeping on the floor next to our bed again?!?
First off, she is silly and second, we had company in her bed for an entire week. This is not a normal privilege.
First, one night last week she woke up at 12:00 a.m. and said "Mommy I am really hungry." I figured she must be so I got her a banana. I went to the bathroom and came back to see half of the banana eaten and her sound asleep and holding on for dear life to the remainder. She must have know that if she made a mess there would be no more bananas in bed in the future.
Last night was the best! I went in to hug and kiss her after my indoor game and saw a piece of lace peeking out from under her blanket. I thought it was a headband and tried to pull it off, but it was a little bigger than a headband. I started to lift up the blanket and Madi said, "Mommy I'm wearing a princess dress from your drawer so I can be a princess!" I pulled up the covers and there was my adorable 3 year old wearing my Lingerie!! She definitely looked like a princess to me.
This banana eating princess dress wearing little girl can sleep in my room any day if she keeps me laughing this much!
What Moms CAN'T Do
Madi got a new bike, a big girl bike with training wheels, from the overly generous Easter Bunny this year. And then it snowed for 2 days and she couldn't even try it on for size. But when she finally did we rode it and rode it and rode it. She was so cute and loving it! She could do it by herself immediatly, but got nervous when it would shift onto the training wheels. She had the balance down so I would let go and show her that she didn't need my help and could do it all by herself. The minute I would let go she got nervous and would say, "Don't let go mommy, I need more practice!" It was so cute, but like every good mom (ha ha) I wanted her to be the best and do it without my help. I didn't want to make her scared of it on her first day though so I promised that I would not let go and as hard and tempting as it was, I stuck by my promise.
But then daddy got home from work and Madi wanted to go show daddy how she could ride her new bike. So they set out to ride around the block and Madi came running in the house yelling "I did it Mommy, I am NOT scared! It just did this (and she proceeded to model shaking motions with her body) and I did it by myself!"
Sometimes a girl just needs her Daddy. I am so glad that there are special things in her life that get to be her and daddy things and that they have time to play, learn and grow together. I think she has the best daddy ever!
But then daddy got home from work and Madi wanted to go show daddy how she could ride her new bike. So they set out to ride around the block and Madi came running in the house yelling "I did it Mommy, I am NOT scared! It just did this (and she proceeded to model shaking motions with her body) and I did it by myself!"
Sometimes a girl just needs her Daddy. I am so glad that there are special things in her life that get to be her and daddy things and that they have time to play, learn and grow together. I think she has the best daddy ever!
Sleeping Angel
This picture is almost 3 years old, but it is one of my absolute favorites. She really is a sleeping angel!

My Pretty Petals- Wedding Flowers
For years I have wanted to start my own floral business for weddings and events.
This month I made my dreams come true and My Pretty Petals is now officially open for business. In the last three weeks I have already booked 4 weddings!! I am really excited and hope I stay busy through the summer while I am not teaching. Check out my website and tell all of your engaged friends.
Here is my logo and some of my photos
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