My little miracle baby is 3 today. I wish I could say we celebrated with a great party yesterday, but James and I have been in bed since Wednesday with coughs and fevers! We have the flu! I think we might be the last ones in the state of Utah to finally get it. Maybe next year we won't procrastinate the Flu Shot.
We had to cancel Madi's party yesterday and postpone it until next Saturday. She wasn't too sad. All she really knew about the party was that Grandma and Nicki and her friends were coming and she was finally going to get to open her presents. So being the great parents we are we sang her Happy Birthday on Friday (2 days before her birthday), let her open her presents from Grandma and Grandpa Shores, Aunt Erin, Aunt Gioia and Aunt Stacey and then we shipped her off to Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt's house to play with Nicki for the weekend. Now James and I can get better without getting the birthday girl sick. I had so much fun planning her party this year and can't wait for next weekend.
In the meantime here are Madison's 3-year old portraits. This year I went cheap and did them myself... it is pretty obvious. The quality leaves a lot to be desired, but the subject is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY, and FUNNY!

At this point in the photo shoot Madi realized she was a little model and began her own posing! She is such a ham and always makes me laugh. I love her to pieces!

Who couldn't love this ridiculously fake laugh?
Family Picture 2009
Not my favorite, but I think the older I get the pickier
I get. This is the first year I started noticing wrinkles. The quality isn't great because we just took them in the backyard with my old camera. A new camera is the only thing on my Christmas list so hopefully Santa brings me one!