Madi has been working on her artwork. Her faces now include hair and the sides of the head. Maybe ears will be next.

Gioia's Birthday! We celebrated with a little backyard b-b-q, volleyball, and the girls went to a Lonestar concert. Good times as always.
Erin, Mom, Me, Gioia, and Nicki in the middle.
(We missed you Stacey... too bad you had to work.)
Mini Golf Date with the little munchkin
She golfs like her daddy... what a cheater!
Even a cheater deserves a kiss if he's cute.
A fun adventure at Pirate Island
Madi with her favorite Aunt Nicki
We said goodbye to our good friend and Madi's boyfriend!
John left us for sunny California... who can blame him.
Madi and Uncle Jared. Madi and John.
She misses her friend. She picks up the phone often and says, "I need to call John."