We went trunk-or-treating in Hooper at Madi's Great Grandparents. My Grandpa Cooks chili for hundreds of people and everyone lines up their cars to pass out candy. Madi was a little nervous when we first got there with all the masks and scary faces, but after a few minutes she warmed up to the idea of costumes. At about the third car she had the whole taking candy from strangers thing down too. We trunk-or-treated for and hour and then went back to my Aunt and Uncles. When Madi saw that the kids were going to do more trick-or-treating, she was all about that. Grandpa took her out with Nicki for another hour and when she got tired he carried her on his shoulders. What a great Grandpa!
Here is a fun picture of most of my crazy cousins and my Aunt Carol. We had a great time celebrating with them. We are so lucky to live so close to such a fun and loving family.