Lovin' the MUD
Madi loves to go downstairs and play in her room by herself. These are some of the typical things I find when I go to check on her: Reading and lounging on her big girl bed that she doesn't sleep in yet, Or building a crib out of a suitcase. I'm always prepared for pretty much anything when I go down there. She is so creative and fun I just love her to pieces!

Playing X-Box Live... or taking Drive-Thru orders... I'm sure she thinks she is doing one or the other.

So I think Madi is ready to potty train. She is obsessed with taking off her clothes and especially her diapers. It is so hot in our house she sleeps in nightgowns, and we have to cover her diaper with big girl panties so she doesn't take it off. Needless to say James forgot the panties over the diaper and when I went to kiss her good night this is what I found!

Our 4th of July Parade, BBQ, and Stadium of Fire

Seven Peaks... Madi's favorite way to spend a hot summer day!

Too Cool...

Little Miss Secretary... Taking messages on mommy's cell

Feeding ducks... Madi likes to take the one for you... two for me approach to sharing!