Can you say REMISSION!!
In case you haven't heard the fabulous news yet... I am officially in remission. I have reached my 100 day mark since my transplant and all my scans and tests came back absolutely clear. Obviously I am very excited. I am feeling better and better everyday. To celebrate James, Madison, and I are in San Diego for a few weeks. We were hoping to enjoy some nice weather and let Madi experience the outdoors, but so far it has rained everyday! We have a few weeks left so I'm sure we will see some beautiful weather soon.
Already Binging
So the other morning I fed Madi breakfast (which she ate a lot of) then we were just hanging out in the living room, when Madi decided to go exploring in the kitchen as usual. After a couple of minutes she got really quiet so I went looking for her and this is what I found...

... Yes that would be my child binging on chips and soda out of the trash can... I guess I can't complain it is better that the shriveled and dried up baked potato she ate out of there last week!!
... Yes that would be my child binging on chips and soda out of the trash can... I guess I can't complain it is better that the shriveled and dried up baked potato she ate out of there last week!!
My First Tag!! Thanks Karen
1. What two things do you always have with you? My cell phone and money
2. What is your favorite TV show? Lost, 24, Prison Break, Office, Grey's, and the Hills
3. What is your middle name? Marie
4. What characteristic do you despise? Laziness
5. Favorite item of clothing? Flip-Flops and skirts (preferably worn together)
6. If you could go anywhere in the world for vacation, where would it be? An Island Getaway (Kauai... My honeymoon was perfect!!)
7. What color is your bathroom? Slate Blue and White
8. What did you want to be when you were little? A Teacher
9. How are you today? Really tired and very anxious to see my family in two days!!
10. What is your favorite candy? I don't discriminate... any and all will do the job.
11. What is your favorite flower? Dasies and Lilies
12. What is your favorite thing to do? Read, play sports, watch movies
13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? grey-blue
14. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my mommy of course... we talk on average 3 times a day... pretty pathetic I know, but she is the only one that actually cares about all of my stupid 20 minute stories about nothing!
15. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
16. What is under your bed? Nothing, but carpet dust
17. What is your favorite smell? Fresh rain
18. How many keys on your key ring? Only my car key. My family never locked the house growing up and I don't do it now. I don't even have a house key. Please don't rob me now that you know my secret :)
19. What are the top three qualities you value in a friend? humor, low-maintanence because I'm very poor on communicating and staying in touch, honesty
20. Who is your favorite friend from high school? It's sad to say, but I never had a close girlfriend in highschool. I always hung out with a group of guy friends.
2. What is your favorite TV show? Lost, 24, Prison Break, Office, Grey's, and the Hills
3. What is your middle name? Marie
4. What characteristic do you despise? Laziness
5. Favorite item of clothing? Flip-Flops and skirts (preferably worn together)
6. If you could go anywhere in the world for vacation, where would it be? An Island Getaway (Kauai... My honeymoon was perfect!!)
7. What color is your bathroom? Slate Blue and White
8. What did you want to be when you were little? A Teacher
9. How are you today? Really tired and very anxious to see my family in two days!!
10. What is your favorite candy? I don't discriminate... any and all will do the job.
11. What is your favorite flower? Dasies and Lilies
12. What is your favorite thing to do? Read, play sports, watch movies
13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? grey-blue
14. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my mommy of course... we talk on average 3 times a day... pretty pathetic I know, but she is the only one that actually cares about all of my stupid 20 minute stories about nothing!
15. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
16. What is under your bed? Nothing, but carpet dust
17. What is your favorite smell? Fresh rain
18. How many keys on your key ring? Only my car key. My family never locked the house growing up and I don't do it now. I don't even have a house key. Please don't rob me now that you know my secret :)
19. What are the top three qualities you value in a friend? humor, low-maintanence because I'm very poor on communicating and staying in touch, honesty
20. Who is your favorite friend from high school? It's sad to say, but I never had a close girlfriend in highschool. I always hung out with a group of guy friends.
Madison's One Year Portratits

I had my awesome friend and photographer Bethany Jackman Take Madi's pictures for her First Birthday. We first tried outside in the snow, but Madi wasn't having it so we retook them inside and they turned out beautiful. Check out Bethany's website Bethany Jackman Photography because she is amazing and does such a great job!!
First Complete Shores Family Photo
Christmas In Colorado
I think her birthday a few weeks before was good practice!
Our lovely little family early Christmas morning
Madi getting puppy kisses from Blue
Madi and Blue (Grandma's puppy) playing Tug-O-War
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. We were anxious and excited to get out of the house and away from home after being cooped up so long. We drove to Montrose, Colorado to visit Roger, Dolly, Matt and Jared. The trip was a lot of fun with a full house. This Christmas was the first Christmas all the Shores brothers were together in six years due to overlapping missions. Of course Grandma and Grandpa were happy to have thier only grandchild there as well. Madison had the time of her life considering she got all the attention she desired. She picked up a new trick of going backwards down the stairs which is great, but got really old when that is all she wanted to do all weekend. Dolly and Roger also had a new puppy and he and Madi would take turns chasing eachother and stealing toys from eachother. It was really cute to watch Madi.
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